Market Bandwagon, Covenant Responses: Letters to the Editor

Dear editor,

I saw your recent post about convenants to prevent demolition. Related to this, the Eastmoreland Neighborhood Association had an attorney draw up a restrictive covenant to prevent lot splitting. Here is the link to the page, which I believe has a link to the covenant.

Meg, Eastmoreland
Dear Portland Chronicle,

Hooray for Christine for researching other options for owners whose homes have been cared for and updated, to block the greed and tear downs becoming rampant in Portland.

Kudos! And thanks for printing letters such as hers!Betsy, Sullivan's Gulch

Where are all the people coming from that are renting these “lofts” and buying these butt-ugly houses? And where did the architect of these ugly structures go to school? Bubba’s On-Line College of Architectural Design and Radiator Repair?

And now that everybody and their brother and sister and aunt and uncle are jumping on the bandwagon, surely one of these days the bottom will drop out of the market?Alice, Southeast Portland

Letters to the editor
The Portland Chronicle periodically publishes letters to the editor. Letters can be addressed to and should include the author’s first name and neighborhood of residence. Please include “Letter to the Editor” in the subject line.